Overview of the Disease IncidencePrognosisCurrent Therapy Standards Colorectal Liver Metastases (CRLM) Resectable TumorsStrategies to Convert Nonresectable Liver Metastases to Resectable StatusSynchronous Colorectal Liver MetastasesPredictors of Survival After Resection of CRLMPeritoneal Carcinomatosis (PC) From Colorectal CancerColorectal Pulmonary Metastases (CRPM)Colorectal Liver Metastases With Extrahepatic DiseaseAccomplishments (or Lack of Accomplishments) During the Year Therapy New Staging SystemSystemic Chemotherapy in Resectable Liver MetastasesSystemic Chemotherapy in Nonresectable Liver MetastasesSelective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT)Selection of Patients for Liver ResectionRadiofrequency AblationBiomarkersWhat Needs To Be Done? Optimizing Patient CareFuture Directions Comments on ResearchObstacles to Overcome.