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Bombesin (BB), neuromedin C (NMC) and neuromedin B (NMB) stimulated amylase secretion to similar maximum levels, with EC50 values (concentrations causing 50% of maximum effect) of 0.2, 0.3 and 2 nM respectively. Treatment of pancreatic acini with BB or NMB (10 nM) for 30 min resulted in cross-desensitization of secretory responses to subsequent BB and NMB, but not to acetylcholine, which suggests that NMB and BB activate the same receptor. BB, NMC and NMB stimulated production of similar maximum amounts of inositol mono-, bis- and tris-phosphates, with EC50 values of 3, 5 and 141 nM respectively. The bombesin receptor antagonist [Leu13-psi(CH2NH)Leu14]BB inhibited stimulation of amylase secretion and inositol phosphate formation by BB, NMC and NMB. Binding of 125I-labelled gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP; 200 pM) to rat pancreatic membranes at 22 degrees C was inhibited with relative potencies and IC50 (concn. causing 50% of maximal inhibition; nM) as follows: NMC (0.4) = BB (0.5) greater than NMB (1.8 = GRP (2.6). IC50 values for BB, NMC and NMB inhibition of 125I-GRP binding to intact acini were 5-, 19- and 68-fold higher than their respective values in membranes. The guanine nucleotide analogue guanosine 5'-[beta gamma-imido]triphosphate (Gpp[NH]p) produced rightward shifts of NMC and NMB competition curves by 3.5- and 16-fold respectively, but had little effect on the BB and GRP curves. Elevation of the temperature to 37 degrees C or inclusion of NaCl (40 mM) produced quantitatively similar effects to those of Gpp[NH]p. In the presence of both NaCl and Gpp[NH]p the affinities of peptides for membrane receptors were similar to those for intact cells. Modulation of NMB competition curves by Gpp[NH]p was not attenuated by prior treatment of acini with activated pertussis toxin. These results suggest that BB, NMB and NMC stimulate pancreatic secretion by interaction with a common phosphoinositide-linked receptor. Differences in guanine nucleotide regulation suggest that secretagogue-induced receptor-protein interactions may not be identical for NMB and BB.