pubmed:abstractText |
We identified a recessive, brassinolide-insensitive mutant caused by a deletion allele (bri1-201) of the brassinosteroid (BR) receptor BRI1. The bri1-201 mutant displayed altered expression levels of genes differentially regulated by gibberellin (GA). RNA-blot analysis revealed that BR and GA antagonistically regulate the accumulation of mRNAs of the GA-responsive GASA1 gene, as well as the GA-repressible GA5 gene. Expression studies with cycloheximide indicated that the antagonistic effects of GA and BR on GA5 require de novo protein synthesis. Reporter transgene analyses and RNA-blot analysis showed that BR and GA modulate GA5 expression, at least in part, at the transcriptional level, and that the signals are independent and subtractive.
pubmed:affiliation |
Department of Plant Physiology, Molecular Biology Institute, Copenhagen University, Øster Farimagsgade 2A, 1353 Copenhagen K, Denmark.