Statements in which the resource exists as a subject.
"Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + L-cysteine + tRNA(Cys) = AMP + diphosphate + L-cysteinyl-tRNA(Cys)." [EC:]
cysteine-tRNA ligase activity
L-cysteine:tRNACys ligase (AMP-forming), cysteine translase activity, cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase activity, cysteinyl-transfer ribonucleate synthetase activity, cysteinyl-transferRNA synthetase activity
EC:, MetaCyc:CYSTEINE--TRNA-LIGASE-RXN, Reactome:REACT_101343 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Rattus norvegicus", Reactome:REACT_101870 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Drosophila melanogaster", Reactome:REACT_102393 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Gallus gallus", Reactome:REACT_102923 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Mus musculus", Reactome:REACT_103934 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Danio rerio", Reactome:REACT_105492 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Plasmodium falciparum", Reactome:REACT_105901 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Dictyostelium discoideum", Reactome:REACT_106671 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Taeniopygia guttata", Reactome:REACT_109113 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Canis familiaris", Reactome:REACT_15359 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Homo sapiens", Reactome:REACT_15527 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Homo sapiens", Reactome:REACT_29700 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Xenopus tropicalis", Reactome:REACT_32946 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Rattus norvegicus", Reactome:REACT_33699 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Sus scrofa", Reactome:REACT_33890 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Xenopus tropicalis", Reactome:REACT_59684 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Saccharomyces cerevisiae", Reactome:REACT_78337 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Schizosaccharomyces pombe", Reactome:REACT_79302 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Canis familiaris", Reactome:REACT_82626 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Bos taurus", Reactome:REACT_86821 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Dictyostelium discoideum", Reactome:REACT_87384 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Mus musculus", Reactome:REACT_88099 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Drosophila melanogaster", Reactome:REACT_90401 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Bos taurus", Reactome:REACT_90856 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Taeniopygia guttata", Reactome:REACT_92914 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Sus scrofa", Reactome:REACT_96696 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Gallus gallus", Reactome:REACT_97727 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Caenorhabditis elegans", Reactome:REACT_98298 "cysteine + tRNA(Cys) + ATP => Cys-tRNA(Cys) + AMP + pyrophosphate, Danio rerio"