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Non-histone chromosomal protein 6A
FUNCTION: DNA-binding protein that induces severe bending of DNA. Required for DNA-binding by the FACT complex, a general chromatin factor that acts to reorganize nucleosomes. The FACT complex is involved in multiple processes that require DNA as a template such as mRNA elongation, DNA replication and DNA repair. Also augments the fidelity of transcription by RNA polymerase III independently of any role in the FACT complex. Required for transcriptional initiation fidelity of some but not all tRNA genes. Seems to be functionally redundant with NHP6B. SUBUNIT: Weakly associates with the stable SPT16-POB3 heterodimer to form the FACT (yFACT or SNP) complex, which is associated with nucleosomes. Multiple molecules of NHP6 (NHP6A and/or NHP6B) are required to recruit the SPT16-POB3 heterodimer to DNA. SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Nucleus. Chromosome. Note=Colocalizes with both RNA polymerase II and some regions that are not transcribed on chromatin. MISCELLANEOUS: Present with 3870 molecules/cell in log phase SD medium. SIMILARITY: Belongs to the NHP6 family. SIMILARITY: Contains 1 HMG box DNA-binding domain. GENE SYNONYMS: NHPA. COPYRIGHT: Protein annotation is derived from the UniProt Consortium ( Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License.