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Sickle tail protein
Enhancer trap locus 4
FUNCTION: Required for normal development of intervertebral disks. SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Cytoplasm. ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS: Event=Alternative splicing; Named isoforms=9; Name=1; IsoId=A2AQ25-1; Sequence=Displayed; Note=Gene prediction based on EST data; Name=2; IsoId=A2AQ25-2; Sequence=VSP_052416, VSP_052418; Note=Gene prediction based on EST data; Name=3; Synonyms=Skt-a; IsoId=A2AQ25-3; Sequence=VSP_052418, VSP_052421; Name=4; Synonyms=Skt-b; IsoId=A2AQ25-4; Sequence=VSP_052418, VSP_052420, VSP_052421; Name=5; IsoId=A2AQ25-5; Sequence=VSP_052416, VSP_052418, VSP_052424, VSP_052425, VSP_052426; Note=Gene prediction based on EST data; Name=6; IsoId=A2AQ25-6; Sequence=VSP_052416, VSP_052418, VSP_052421, VSP_052425, VSP_052426; Note=Gene prediction based on EST data; Name=7; IsoId=A2AQ25-7; Sequence=VSP_052417; Name=8; IsoId=A2AQ25-8; Sequence=VSP_052418, VSP_052419; Note=No experimental confirmation available; Name=9; IsoId=A2AQ25-9; Sequence=VSP_052416, VSP_052418, VSP_052420, VSP_052422, VSP_052423; Note=No experimental confirmation available; TISSUE SPECIFICITY: Expressed predominantly in the notochord and mesonephros during embryogenesis as well as in other areas such as the epithalamus sulcus, lens vesicle, inner retinal layer, heart, hepatic primordial surface, infundibulum, surface ectoderm, hind gut and limb bud mesenchyme. In adults, expressed in a range of tissues including the nucleus pulposus, corpus callosum, kidney, cardiac muscle, Sertoli cells and hair follicles. DISRUPTION PHENOTYPE: Mice display a kinky-tail phenotype in about half of homozygotes with defects in the nucleus pulposus and annulus fibrosus of intertebral disks. Shortening and curving of caudal vertebrae 20-25 is apparent by the age of 2 weeks. SEQUENCE CAUTION: Sequence=AAH26657.2; Type=Erroneous initiation; Sequence=BAC41473.2; Type=Erroneous initiation; GENE SYNONYMS: Etl4 Kiaa1217. COPYRIGHT: Protein annotation is derived from the UniProt Consortium ( Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License.