Biochim. Biophys. Acta

The complete amino-acid sequence of mavicyanin, a small blue copper-containing glycoprotein isolated from zucchini peelings, is presented. The sequence of this cupredoxin was deduced from analysis of peptides obtained after cleavage of the protein with trypsin or Asp-N endoproteinase. Mavicyanin consists of a single polypeptide chain of 108 amino-acid residues. Accurate molecular weight determination by electrospray mass spectrometry (12 752 Da) indicates a mass difference of approx. 1005 Da with respect to the mass of the protein, as determined on the basis of the amino-acid sequence (11747 Da). This difference was tentatively assigned to the carbohydrate moiety, not yet characterized, attached to the protein via an N-linkage to Asn-58 and O-linkages to unidentified Ser/Thr residues. The comparison of the primary structure of mavicyanin with those of other cupredoxins shows that three copper ligands (His-44, Cys-57 and His-90) are conserved, while a glutamine residue (Gln-95), as in stellacyanin, is possibly the fourth ligand. An amino-acid sequence alignment of mavicyanin with copper proteins currently identified as phytocyanins is also proposed, showing same invariant residues in key positions related to the maintenance of the beta-barrel fold and to the active site.


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