PilT is a hexameric ATPase required for type IV pili (Tfp) retraction in gram-negative bacterium. Retraction of Tfp mediates intimate attachment and motility on inorganic solid surfaces. We investigated the cloning and expression of pilT and pilU genes of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strains ATCC 23270, and the results indicate that PilT and PilU contain the canonical conserved AIRNLIRE and GMQTXXXXLXXL motifs that are the characteristic motifs of the PilT protein family; PilT and PilU also contain the canonical nucleotide-binding motifs, named with Walker A box (GxxGxGKT/S) and Walker B box (hhhhDE), respectively. The pilT and pilU genes were expressed to produce 37.1- and 42.0-kDa proteins, respectively, and co-transcribed induced by 10 % mineral powder. However, ATPase activity of PilT was distinctly higher than those of PilU. These results indicated that the PilT protein was the real molecular motor of Tfp, while PilU could play a key role in the assembly, modification, and twitching motility of Tfp in A. ferrooxidans. However, PilT and PilU were nonetheless interrelated in the forming and function of the molecular motor of Tfp.