The tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) are involved in various processes of extra-cellular matrix (ECM) metabolism by inhibiting matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). However, the fundamental information for these genes is little known in fish. Previously, we report cDNA cloning and gene expressions of two fugu (Takifugu rubripes) TIMP-2s. Here, we cloned cDNA of fugu TIMP-3 and performed an expression analysis of TIMP-3 and -4 mRNA in fugu adult tissues using a quantitative real-time PCR. The expression level of TIMP-3 mRNA was constitutive in all tissues, while TIMP-4 was significantly higher in the brain (P=0.05). Further, we performed a whole mount in situ hybridization in fugu embryos at different stages. In early stages, TIMP-3 mRNA was abundant in the somites and the caudal end of the notochord. At hatching larvae, the TIMP-3 mRNA was abundant in the pectoral fin, dorsal and ventral fin fold along the entire antero-posterior axis. TIMP-3 may be involved in axis elongation and somitogenesis. TIMP-4 mRNA was expressed in the tail bud, at the midbrain-hindbrain boundary and in the diencephalon from 72 to 104 hpf. This indicates TIMP-4 is highly expressed in the brain matrix in vivo.