Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia


CSP: group of specific, familial syndromes characterized by simultaneous neoplastic transformation of multiple endocrine tissues, typically the parathyroid glands, pancreatic islets, and anterior pituitary.,MSH: A group of autosomal dominant diseases characterized by the combined occurrence of tumors involving two or more ENDOCRINE GLANDS that secrete PEPTIDE HORMONES or AMINES. These neoplasias are often benign but can be malignant. They are classified by the endocrine glands involved and the degree of aggressiveness. The two major forms are MEN1 and MEN2 with gene mutations on CHROMOSOME 11 and CHROMOSOME 10, respectively.,NCI: An inherited condition that may result in the development of cancers of the endocrine system. There are several types of multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome, and patients with each type may develop different types of cancer. The altered genes that cause each type can be detected with a blood test.,NCI: An autosomal dominant inherited neoplastic syndrome characterized by the develop

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