MSH: Rapid, irregular atrial contractions caused by a block of electrical impulse conduction in the right atrium and a reentrant wave front traveling up the inter-atrial septum and down the right atrial free wall or vice versa. Unlike ATRIAL FIBRILLATION which is caused by abnormal impulse generation, typical atrial flutter is caused by abnormal impulse conduction. As in atrial fibrillation, patients with atrial flutter cannot effectively pump blood into the lower chambers of the heart (HEART VENTRICLES).,NCI: An electrocardiographic finding of an organized rhythmic contraction of the atria which is generally at a rate of 200-300 beats per minute. Atrial Flutter is characterized by a sawtooth pattern of regular atrial activation called flutter waves on the Electrocardiogram (ECG), particularly visible in leads II, III, aVF and v1.,NCI: An electrocardiographic finding of an organized rhythmic contraction of the atria which is generally at a rate of 200-300 beats per minute.,NCI: A disorder characterized by a d