NCI: Any material sample taken from a biological entity for testing, diagnostic, propagation, treatment or research purposes, including a sample obtained from a living organism or taken from the biological object after halting of all its life functions. Biospecimen can contain one or more components including but not limited to cellular molecules, cells, tissues, organs, body fluids, embryos, and body excretory products.,NCI: Samples of material, such as urine, blood, tissue, cells, DNA, RNA, and protein from humans, animals, or plants. Biospecimens are stored in a biorepository and are used for laboratory research. If the samples are from people, medical information may also be stored along with a written consent to use the samples in laboratory studies.,NCI: A substance or portion of material originally obtained from an entity for use in testing, examination, or study. EXAMPLE(S): Blood obtained by a specimen collection activity performed on a study subject. A few grains of cattle feed obtained from a feed