umls-concept:C1709679 | skos:definition | NCI: An electronic device that is designed to transfer text or images to paper or other substrate.,UMD: Devices designed to produce text and/or graphic images on paper or other appropriate media (e.g., transparency) from data stored in electronic format. Printers may use a variety of technologies to print documents, including ink-spray (typically liquid ink-jet printers), toner-based (typically laser printers), thermal transference (e.g., solid-ink printers), and impact (e.g., dot matrix printers). Printers are intended mainly for use as computer peripherals and/or to provide hard copies to computer network users; other dedicated printers, usually with limited capabilities and intended for specific applications such as label and/or bar-code printing and to print graphic strips intended to store information (i.e., printer/recorders), are also available. | lld:umls |