Imprint - ActCode


HL7V3.0: <p><b>Definition:</b> A characteristic of an oral solid dosage form of a medicinal product, specifying the alphanumeric text that appears on the solid dosage form, including text that is embossed, debossed, engraved or printed with ink. The presence of other non-textual distinguishing marks or symbols is recorded by SPLSYMBOL.</p><p><b>Examples:</b> Included in SPLIMPRINT are alphanumeric text that appears on the bands of banded capsules and logos and other symbols that can be interpreted as letters or numbers.</p><p><b>Constraints:</b> The Observation.value must be of type Character String (ST). Excluded from SPLIMPRINT are internal and external cut-outs in the form of alphanumeric text and the letter 'R' with a circle around it (when referring to a registered trademark) and the letters 'TM' (when referring to a 'trade mark'). To record text, begin on either side or part of the dosage form. Start at the top left and progress as one would normally read a book. Enter a semicolon to show separation bet

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