Ion Channels in Vascular Endothelium Pathway


NCI: Endothelial cells (EC) form a multifunctional signal-transducing surface that performs different tasks dependent on its localization in the vessel tree. Arterial EC provide a pathway for delivery of oxygen from blood to tissue. They modulate the tone of vascular smooth muscle cells, which in turn controls blood pressure and blood flow by adjusting the caliber of arteries and arterioles. In the microvascular bed, EC regulate the permeation of various metabolites, macromolecules, and gases, as well as autocrine and paracrine factors and are involved in the regulation of cell nutrition. In all vessel types, EC are involved in blood coagulation, control of the transport between blood and tissue, movement of cells adhering to EC, wound healing, and angiogenesis. Other functions require an active response of EC to various signals of mechanical, chemical, or neuronal nature. This signal transduction is impaired during vessel disease (arteriosclerosis) and injury, inflammation, or hemodynamic disturbances (hyper

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