Interferon Signaling Modulation Pathway


NCI: Signaling by interferon-gamma stimulates anti-viral responses and tumor suppression through the heterodimeric interferon-gamma receptor. Signaling is initiated by binding of interferon-gamma to its receptor, activating the receptor-associated JAK2 tyrosine kinase to phosphorylate STAT transcription factors that activate interferon responsive genes. Molecular chaperones that modulate or alter protein folding interact with different components of the interferon signaling pathway. One chaperone that modulates interferon signaling is hTid-1, a member of the DnaJ family of chaperones and a co-chaperone for the heat shock protein Hsp70, another molecular chaperone. hTid-1 was found in a two-hybrid screen to bind to JAK2 and also to interact with the interferon-gamma receptor. In addition, hTid-1 and JAK2 also interact with Hsp70. Overexpression of hTid-1 represses transcriptional activation by interferon-gamma and Hsp70 dissociates from these proteins when interferon is added to cells, suggesting that Hsp70 ho

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