Human Cytomegalovirus Infection Pathway


NCI: To replicate in host cell, viruses commandeer cellular signaling pathways. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a DNA virus that is widespread in the population but usually causes disease only in immunocompromised individuals and is also a viral cause of birth defects. One of the actions of CMV in the host cell is to stimulate MAP kinase pathways. Both p38 and ERK kinases are activated by CMV infection through activation of map kinase kinases and inhibition of phosphatases. One result of Map kinase activation by CMV is activation of transcription of viral genes, increasing the production of viral gene products. Both p38 and ERK kinases contribute to the activation of viral genes by cellular transcription factors acting through the viral UL4 promoter at upstream and basal transcription elements. Another target of prolonged p38 activation during infection is Rb, contributing to viral replication. Activation of MKK1 and MKK2 leads to Erk1 and Erk2 activation, and phosphorylation of downstream targets. The MEKK1 kinase

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