Central venous catheter, device


NCI: A tube surgically placed into a blood vessel for the purpose of giving intravenous fluid and drugs. It also can be used to obtain blood samples. This device avoids the need for separate needle insertions for each infusion or blood test. Examples of these devices include Hickman catheters, which require clamps to make sure the valve is closed, and Groshong catheters, which have a valve that opens as fluid is withdrawn or infused and remains closed when not in use.,UMD: Infusion catheters that are inserted and advanced to locate the distal tip in a central vein, typically the superior or inferior vena cava. These catheters may be inserted directly into a central vein, using surgical procedures, or percutaneously through the peripheral vasculature. Central venous infusion catheters are used when central venous pressure measurements are required, when larger volumes of solution must be rapidly administered, or to ensure rapid dilution and dispersion when high-viscosity fluids (e.g., packed cells), hyperosmol

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