Laser Capture Microdissection


MSH: Techniques using a laser to cut away and harvest a specific cell or cluster of cells from a tissue section while viewing it under the microscope.,CSP: method for procuring pure cells from specific microscopic regions of tissue sections; laser beam focally activates a special transfer film which bonds specifically to cells identified and targeted by microscopy within the tissue section, when the film is removed, the chosen cells are tightly held within the focally expanded polymer for microdissection.,NCI: Laser capture microdissection is a new technology developed in the Intramural Program to allow sampling of specific cells under direct microscopic visualization by a pathologist. A film is placed against the heterogeneous tissue and activated by a laser beam to capture only the cells of interest. Those cells are transferred to the film to provide a visual microscopic record of what was transferred, which can be analyzed for DNA, RNA, or protein. The film upon which the cells are transferred is incorpora

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