

CSP: field that utilizes protein sequences, expression and structure to determine how proteins relate, interact and function in an organism; includes characterizing and cataloguing proteins and protein libraries, comparing variations in protein expression levels under different conditions, studying protein interactions and functional roles; techniques are performed in an automated, large scale manner; may also involve bioinformatic analysis and storage of data.,NCI: The study of the structure and function of proteins, including the way they work and interact with each other inside cells.,MSH: The systematic study of the complete complement of proteins (PROTEOME) of organisms.,NCI: The global analysis of cellular proteins. Proteomics uses a combination of sophisticated techniques including two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis, image analysis, mass spectrometry, amino acid sequencing, and bio-informatics to resolve comprehensively, to quantify, and to characterize proteins. The application of proteomics pro

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