Pelvic girdle


FMA: Subdivision of free lower limb, which is the proximal segment of a lower limb and links the free lower limb to the trunk; it is demarcated by the plane of the surface of the acetabular fossa from the free lower limb; together with the free lower limb, it constitutes the lower limb. Examples: There are only two instances, right and left pelvic girdles.,UWDA: Subdivision of free lower limb, which is the proximal segment of a lower limb and links the free lower limb to the trunk; it is demarcated by the plane of the surface of the acetabular fossa from the free lower limb; together with the free lower limb, it constitutes the lower limb. Examples: There are only two instances, right and left pelvic girdles.,NCI: The basin-shaped skeletal structure that is formed by the sacrum and the ilium, ischium, and pubis of each side that supports the trunk and to which the lower extremities attach.

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