Arthritis, Juvenile Rheumatoid


MSH: Rheumatoid arthritis of children occurring in three major subtypes defined by the symptoms present during the first six months following onset: systemic-onset (Still's Disease, Juvenile-Onset), polyarticular-onset, and pauciarticular-onset. Adult-onset cases of Still's disease (STILL'S DISEASE, ADULT-ONSET) are also known. Only one subtype of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (polyarticular-onset, rheumatoid factor-positive) clinically resembles adult rheumatoid arthritis and is considered its childhood equivalent.,CSP: rheumatoid arthritis of children occurring in three major subtypes defined by the symptoms present during the first six months following onset: systemic onset (Still's Disease, Juvenile Onset), polyarticular onset, and pauciarticular onset; adult onset cases of Still's disease (Still's Disease, adult onset) are also known; only one subtype of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (polyarticular onset, rheumatoid factor positive) clinically resembles adult rheumatoid arthritis and is considered its ch

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