Perceived quality of life


CSP: subjective measurement of an individual's well being.,NCI: The overall enjoyment of life. Many clinical trials assess the effects of cancer and its treatment on the quality of life. These studies measure aspects of an individual's sense of well-being and ability to carry out various activities.,NCI: A broad ranging concept that incorporates an individual's physical health, psychological state, level of independence, social relationships, personal beliefs and their relationships to salient features of the environment. NOTE: Quality of Life is one way to measure the benefits or negative impacts of an "improvement" measured in terms of a physiological or psychological symptom. QOL research seeks to quantify what an intervention means to a patient's sense that their life has changed. [WHO Group, 1994],NCI: The subjective measurement of an individual's sense of well-being and ability to enjoy life. The concept holds varying meanings for different people and may evolve over time. For some individuals it implie

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