UMD: Tunable liquid lasers with organic compounds (i.e., dye) that have a strong absorption band used as the active medium. During emission, the dye must be optically excited by another light source (e.g., another laser, flash lamp). The emission wavelength may range from the ultraviolet to the near infrared (i.e., from 180 to 1,100 nm). These lasers are operated in continuous-wave and pulsed modes.,NCI: A laser in which light is emitted by a fluorescent organic dye and which can be tuned to radiate at any of a wide range of frequencies.,MSH: Tunable liquid lasers with organic compounds (i.e., dye) which have a strong absorption band, used as the active medium. During emission, the dye has to be optically excited by another light source (e.g., another laser or flash lamp). The range of the emission wavelength may be anywhere from the ultraviolet to the near infrared (i.e., from 180 to 1100nm). These lasers are operated in continuous wave and pulsed modes. (UMDNS, 2005)