leptin receptor


MSH: Cell surface receptors for obesity factor (LEPTIN), a hormone secreted by the WHITE ADIPOCYTES. Upon leptin-receptor interaction, the signal is mediated through the JAK2/STAT3 pathway to regulate food intake, energy balance and fat storage.,NCI: Encoded by human LEPR Gene (gp130 Cytokine Receptor Family), five Leptin Receptor isoforms are variously expressed in liver, hypothalamus, heart, small intestine, hematopoietic tissues, choroid plexus, prostate, ovary, lung, and kidney. Isoform E may be soluble. The 1165-amino acid 132.5-kD (precursor) type I membrane protein contains 3 fibronectin III-like domains and is TYR phosphorylated; the cytoplasmic domain appears essential for signal transduction. LEPR appears involved in regulation of fat metabolism through hypothalamic effects, angiogenesis, lymphopoiesis, and possibly reproduction. LEPR appears to activate JAK kinase and STAT3, -5, and -6. LEPR malfunction is associated with diabetes and obesity. (from LocusLink, Swiss-Prot, OMIM, and NCI)

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