NCI: Cannot distinguish between two or more possible values in the current context.,NCI: A term referring to the lack of definitive clinical or pathologic criteria for a tumor to predict its clinical course or to classify it as benign or malignant.,NCI: A negative test result in an individual where a clearly deleterious mutation has not been found in any family members. The genetic risk status of such an individual must be interpreted in the context of his or her personal and family history.,HL7V3.0: <p><b>Description:</b> The value of this observation does not allow interpretation as to whether or not the analyte or sign in question is present.</p>,HL7V3.0: <p><b>Description:</b>The conformance expectations for this element have not yet been determined.</p>,NCI: A term referring to the lack of definitive clinical or pathologic criteria for a tumor to predict its clinical course or classify it as benign or malignant.