UMD: Equipment designed to provide an appropriate voltage and current, usually measured in kilovolt (kV) and milliampere (mA), to an x-ray tube that in turn delivers an x-ray beam with the desire characteristics; some devices may include the x-ray tube as an integral part of the generator unit. These generators typically consist of a step-up transformer, a high-voltage circuit including rectifiers, a filament circuit, a timing circuit, and a control panel with time, kV, and mA controls. Many generators are microprocessor controlled. The control panel is used to initiate radiographic exposures and to select technical factors for radiographic and fluoroscopic examinations. The secondary voltage waveform supplied to the x-ray tube can be in a diversity of forms (e.g., single-phase, full-wave rectified; three-phase, six-pulse; high-frequency, multi-pulse; or constant potential). Additional features include automatic exposure control, automatic brightness control, anatomic programming, and falling load technique.