Myringotomy tubes (device)


SPN: A tympanostomy tube is a device that is intended to be implanted for ventilation or drainage of the middle ear. The device is inserted through the tympanic membrane to permit a free exchange of air between the outer ear and middle ear. A type of tympanostomy tube known as the malleous clip tube attaches to the malleous to provide middle ear ventilation. The device is made of materials such as polytetrafluoroethylene, polyethylene, silicon elastomer, or porous polyethylene.,UMD: Tubes designed to provide communication between the middle ear and the external ear canal through a surgical hole in the tympanic membrane (i.e., myringotomy, also known as tympanoplasty). These devices typically consist of a small single-lumen polymeric (e.g., Teflon, Silastic) or, less frequently, metallic tube. Myringotomy tubes provide ventilation and drainage from the middle ear, reducing the risk of infections; they are intended mainly for children five years age or younger during the healing period in cases of secretory oti

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