

NCI: A device designed to create a test or training environment that approximates actual conditions.,UMD: Testers designed to mimic physical or physiologic process by artificial means, in such a way that a measuring instrument measures with the same accuracy when tested with the simulator that it displays when measuring a patient. Most of these devices mimic one or more functions of human organs or tissues (e.g., using a computer program, by a physical process with analogous behavior); they typically can reproduce bioelectric signals (e.g., electrocardiographic), pressures (e.g., blood pressure), gas flows (e.g., respiratory), movement, and/or other characteristics of the human body. Some simulators generate electrical signals that mimic the electrical output of transducers (e.g. pressure, temperature). Simulators are mostly used to test and or calibrate monitors (e.g., non-invasive blood pressure), recorders (e.g., electroencephalographs), and/or measuring instruments (e.g., thermometers); transducer simulat

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