SPN: A gastroenterology-urology biopsy instrument is a device used to remove, by cutting or aspiration, a specimen of tissue for microscopic examination. This generic type of device includes the biopsy punch, gastrointestinal mechanical biopsy instrument, suction biopsy instrument, gastro-urology biopsy needle and needle set, and nonelectric biopsy forceps. This section does not apply to biopsy instruments that have specialized uses in other medical specialty areas and that are covered by classification regulations in other parts of the device classification regulations.,UMD: Punches designed to excise a segment of tissue (usually in the form of a disc) intended for laboratory examination and test (i.e., biopsy); these devices are designed to remove tissue from an anatomic structure with minimal sample and surrounding tissue damage. Biopsy punches are typically handheld, manual instruments with a movable, sharp echanism (e.g., hollow tube, jaw) at the distal end, operated by a handle (e.g., ring-, pistol-like