SPN: A diagnostic electromyograph is a device intended for medical purposes, such as to monitor and display the bioelectric signals produced by muscles, to stimulate peripheral nerves, and to monitor and display the electrical activity produced by nerves, for the diagnosis and prognosis of neuromuscular disease.,UMD: Graphic recorders of the intrinsic electrical potential of skeletal muscle. These recorders include an electrode that is usually inserted directly into the muscle, an amplifier that boosts and transmits the bioelectrical potentials to the recorder which in turn reproduces their characteristics in an electromyogram. Some recorders are compatible with personal computers for waveform storage and analysis. A loudspeaker is typically attached so the potentials can be monitored acoustically. Electromyographs are used in the evaluation of abnormalities either when the electrode is at rest within the muscle (spontaneous activity) or during voluntary muscle contraction of graded activity.