MSH: Cell surface receptors that bind somatomedins and trigger intracellular changes which influence the behavior of cells. Studies have disclosed two types of receptors for this family of peptide hormones. The type I receptor is homologous to the insulin receptor and has tyrosine kinase activity. The type II receptor is identical to the mannose-6-phosphate receptor which is important in trafficking of lysosomal enzymes.,NCI: A protein found on the surface of some types of cells that binds to insulin-like growth factor (IGF). This causes the cells to grow and divide. Insulin-like growth factor receptor is found at high levels on the surface of several types of cancer cells, which causes these cells to grow rapidly in the presence of IGF.,NCI: The protein on surface of target cells specific for binding IGF. There are two types of IGF receptor, one of which closely resembles the insulin receptor.