Interstitial Collagenase


MSH: A member of the metalloproteinase family of enzymes that is principally responsible for cleaving FIBRILLAR COLLAGEN. It can degrade interstitial collagens, types I, II and III.,NCI: Encoded by human MMP1 Gene (M10A Peptidase Family), 469-aa 54-kDa (precursor) secreted zinc- and calcium-binding Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 contains a hemopexin-like domain, an N-terminal catalytic domain, and a C-terminal substrate- and TIMP-binding domain. MMP1 undergoes autolytic cleavage to major forms 27-kDa (inactive) and 22-kDa (a collagenase activator). MMP1 preferentially cleaves interstitial collagens types I, II, and III at one site in the triple helical domain. MMP1 also cleaves collagens types VII and X and alpha-macroglobulins. (NCI)

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