Clavulanic Acid


MSH: Clavulanic acid and its salts and esters. The acid is a suicide inhibitor of bacterial beta-lactamase enzymes from Streptomyces clavuligerus. Administered alone, it has only weak antibacterial activity against most organisms, but given in combination with beta-lactam antibiotics prevents antibiotic inactivation by microbial lactamase.,NCI: A semisynthetic beta-lactamase inhibitor isolated from Streptomyces. Clavulanic acid contains a beta-lactam ring and binds strongly to beta-lactamase at or near its active site, thereby hindering enzymatic activity. This protects other beta-lactam antibiotics from beta-lactamase catalysis, thereby enhancing their antibacterial effects. This agent is used in conjunction with beta-lactamase susceptible antibiotics, such as penicillins and cephalosporins, to treat infections caused by beta-lactamase producing organisms.

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