Yellow Fever


MSH: An acute infectious disease primarily of the tropics, caused by a virus and transmitted to man by mosquitoes of the genera Aedes and Haemagogus.,CSP: acute infectious disease primarily of the tropics, caused by a flavivirus and transmitted to humans by mosquito vectors.,CHV: A tropical disease transmitted by mosquito bites,NCI: A disease caused by infection with the yellow fever virus, which is carried by mosquitos. Symptoms include body aches, chills, fever, severe headache, weakness, and a yellow skin color. Bleeding, vomiting, and failure of the liver and other organs may occur in late stages of the disease.,NCI: A viral infection caused by a flavivirus called yellow fever virus. It is transmitted to humans from infected mosquitoes. The signs and symptoms range from a mild febrile illness to liver damage with jaundice and hemorrhages.

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