MSH: A cobalt-containing coordination compound produced by intestinal micro-organisms and found also in soil and water. Higher plants do not concentrate vitamin B 12 from the soil and so are a poor source of the substance as compared with animal tissues. INTRINSIC FACTOR is important for the assimilation of vitamin B 12.,CSP: cyanocobalamin or cobalamin derivative with similar biological activity; a water soluble hematopoietic vitamin, absorbed in the intestine after combination with intrinsic factor.,PDQ: An essential nutrient and natural water-soluble vitamin of the B-complex family that must combine with an intrinsic factor for absorption by the intestine, Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is necessary for hematopoiesis, neural metabolism, DNA and RNA production, and carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism. B12 improves iron functions in the metabolic cycle and assists folic acid in choline synthesis. B12 metabolism is interconnected with that of folic acid. Vitamin B12 deficiency causes pernicious anemia, me