

MSH: A proteolytic enzyme that converts PLASMINOGEN to FIBRINOLYSIN where the preferential cleavage is between ARGININE and VALINE. It was isolated originally from human URINE, but is found in most tissues of most VERTEBRATES.,NCI: An enzyme that is made in the kidney and found in the urine. A form of this enzyme is made in the laboratory and used to dissolve blood clots or to prevent them from forming.,NCI: Encoded by human PLAU Gene (Peptidase S1 Family), 431-aa 48.5-kD single-chain Urokinase precursor contains a kringle and an EGF-like domain. A potent activator of plasminogen to plasmin conversion by Arg-Val cleavage, the two-chain serine protease is composed of disulfide-linked A (18,000 D) and B (33,000 D) chains that arise from precursor Lys(158)-Ile(159) cleavage by plasmin. Urokinase occurs in high and low mass forms, each consisting of A and B chains. The high mass form contains a long A chain; cleavage after residue 155 in the low mass form yields a short A1 chain. Urokinase is immunologically unre

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