

MSH: The visualization of deep structures of the body by recording the reflections of echoes of pulses of ultrasonic waves directed into the tissues. Use of ultrasound for imaging or diagnostic purposes employs frequencies ranging from 1.6 to 10 megahertz.,CSP: high frequency sound waves used to identify and examine internal organs and structures without the invasive hazards of X xays, dyes, or fluoroscopy.,NCI: A computer picture of areas inside the body created by bouncing high-energy sound waves (ultrasound) off internal tissues or organs.,MEDLINEPLUS: <p>Ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to look at organs and structures inside the body. Health care professionals use them to view the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, liver and other organs. During pregnancy, doctors use ultrasound tests to examine the fetus. Unlike x-rays, ultrasound does not involve exposure to radiation.</p><p>During an ultrasound test, a special technician or doctor moves a device called a transducer over part of your body. The tr

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