MSH: A pyrimidine inhibitor of dihydrofolate reductase, it is an antibacterial related to PYRIMETHAMINE. The interference with folic acid metabolism may cause a depression of hematopoiesis. It is potentiated by SULFONAMIDES and the TRIMETHOPRIM-SULFAMETHOXAZOLE COMBINATION is the form most often used. It is sometimes used alone as an antimalarial. TRIMETHOPRIM RESISTANCE has been reported.,CSP: antibacterial used in combination with a sulfonamide to treat some urinary tract infections and pneumocystis pneumonia, and alone as an antimalarial.,NCI: A synthetic derivative of trimethoxybenzyl-pyrimidine with antibacterial and antiprotozoal properties. As a pyrimidine inhibitor of bacterial dihydrofolate reductase, trimethoprim binds tightly to the bacterial enzyme, blocking the production of tetrahydrofolic acid from dihydrofolic acid. The antibacterial activity of this agent is potentiated by sulfonamides. (NCI04)