CSP: collections of cells organized in a cooperative arrangement for the purpose of performing a particular function.,NCI: A group or layer of cells that work together to perform a specific function.,UWDA: Organ part, which is uncountable and consists of similarly specialized cells and intercellular matrix, aggregated according to genetically determined spatial relationships; together with other tissues, it constitutes an organ component. Examples: epithelium, muscle (tissue), connective tissue, neural tissue, lymphoid tissue.,MSH: Collections of differentiated CELLS, such as EPITHELIUM; CONNECTIVE TISSUE; MUSCLES; and NERVE TISSUE. Tissues are cooperatively arranged to form organs with specialized functions such as RESPIRATION; DIGESTION; REPRODUCTION; MOVEMENT; and others.,FMA: Anatomical structure which has as its parts cells of predominantly one type with or without intercellular matrix. Examples: epithelium, muscle tissue, connective tissue, neural tissue, lymphoid tissue.,NCI: An anatomical structure co