Sprains and Strains


MSH: A collective term for muscle and ligament injuries without dislocation or fracture. A sprain is a joint injury in which some of the fibers of a supporting ligament are ruptured but the continuity of the ligament remains intact. A strain is an overstretching or overexertion of some part of the musculature.,MEDLINEPLUS: <p>A sprain is a stretched or torn ligament. Ligaments are tissues that connect bones at a joint. Falling, twisting, or getting hit can all cause a sprain. <a href='http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ankleinjuriesanddisorders.html'>Ankle</a> and <a href='http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/wristinjuriesanddisorders.html'>wrist</a> sprains are common. Symptoms include pain, swelling, bruising and being unable to move your joint. You might feel a pop or tear when the injury happens. </p><p>A strain is a stretched or torn muscle or tendon. Tendons are tissues that connect muscle to bone. Twisting or pulling these tissues can cause a strain. Strains can happen suddenly or develop over time. Back

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