Rats, Inbred BN


NCI: The common rat, Rattus norvegicus.,NCI: Originally from China and now ubiquitous, Rattus norvegicus is the founder strain for many strains of rat used in biomedical research today. The brown rat has a coarse brown or black coat with a pale underside, and a long nearly hairless tail.,NCI: BN: Tumors of epithelium 28% in males, 2% in females. Ureter tumors 20% in females, 6% in males. Most common neoplastic lesions in males were urinary bladder carcinoma 35%, pancreas islet adenoma 15%, pituitary adenoma 14%, lymphoreticular sarcoma 14%, adrenal cortex adenoma 12%, medullary thyroid carcinoma 9%, adrenal pheochromocytoma 8%. Four other types of tumors were observed. In females: pituitary adenoma 26%, ureter carcinoma 22%, adrenal cortical adenoma 19%, cervix sarcoma 15%, mammary gland fibroadenoma 11%, islet adenoma 11%. Twelve other tumor types were observed (Burek and Hollander 1975a).

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