Pontine structure


MSH: The front part of hindbrain that lies between MEDULLA OBLONGATA and the midbrain (MESENCEPHALON) ventral to the CEREBELLUM. It is composed of two parts, the dorsal and the ventral. Pons serves as a relay station for important neural pathways between the cerebellum to the CEREBRUM.,CSP: part of the central nervous system lying between the medulla oblongata and the mesencephalon, ventral to the cerebellum, and consisting of a pars dorsalis and a pars ventralis.,NCI: Part of the central nervous system, located at the base of the brain, between the medulla oblongata and the midbrain. It is part of the brainstem.,NCI: Having to do with the pons (part of the central nervous system, located at the base of the brain, between the medulla oblongata and the midbrain).,FMA: Organ component of neuraxis that has as its parts the pontine tegmentum and basal part of pons. Examples: There is only one pons.,CHV: a part of the brain structure,CHV: a part of the brain structure,CHV: a part of the brain structure,NCI: The mi

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