Parasitic Diseases


MSH: Infections or infestations with parasitic organisms. They are often contracted through contact with an intermediate vector, but may occur as the result of direct exposure.,CSP: infections or infestations with parasitic organisms; they are often contracted through contact with an intermediate vector, but may occur as the result of direct exposure.,MEDLINEPLUS: <p>Parasites are living things that use other living things - like your body - for food and a place to live. You can get them from contaminated food or water, a bug bite, or sexual contact. Parasitic diseases can cause mild discomfort or be deadly.</p><p>Parasites range in size from tiny, one-celled organisms called protozoa to worms that can be seen with the naked eye. Some parasitic diseases happen in the United States. Contaminated water supplies can lead to <a href=''>Giardia infections</a>. Cats can transmit <a href=''>toxoplasmosis</a>

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