Paget's Disease, Mammary


MSH: An intraductal carcinoma of the breast extending to involve the nipple and areola, characterized clinically by eczema-like inflammatory skin changes and histologically by infiltration of the dermis by malignant cells (Paget's cells). (Dorland, 27th ed),CSP: carcinoma of the breast extending to involve the nipple and areola, characterized clinically by eczema-like inflammatory skin changes and histologically by infiltration of the dermis by malignant cells.,NCI: A malignant neoplasm in which there is infiltration of the skin overlying the breast by neoplastic large cells with abundant pale cytoplasm and large nuclei with prominent nucleoli (Paget cells). It is almost always associated with an intraductal or invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast. The clinical features include focal skin reddening, and eczema. Retraction of the nipple may sometimes occur.

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