Organic brain syndrome


AIR: WHAT: Organic brain syndrome. Organic Brain Syndrome: either a long term deterioration of intellectual function and memory (dementia) or a short term disturbance of orientation, judgement, or consciousness (delirium). Both may be marked by illusions, hallucinations, delusions, or disturbances of perceptions, mood, behavior, cognitive capacity, or personality. WHY: Delirium can occur with rheumatic fever or cerebral vasculitis. Both delirium and dementia can occur in systemic lupus erythematosus, and rarely also in mixed connective tissue disease. HOW: Ten or more incorrect responses to the following 30 questions usually means an organic impairment exists. 1) What day of the week is this? 15) The opposite of fast is slow. 2) What month? The opposite of up is? 3) What day of the month? 16) The opposite of large is? 4) What year? 17) The opposite of hard is? 5) What place is this? 18) An orange and a banana are 6) Repeat these numbers 8 7 2. both fruits. A penny and a 7) Say them backwards. dime are both? 8

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