Neisseria meningitidis


CSP: gram-negative, aerobic bacteria; a commensal and pathogen only of humans, and can be carried asymptomatically in the nasopharynx; when found in cerebrospinal fluid it is the causative agent of cerebrospinal meningitis; also found in venereal discharges and blood; there are at least 13 serogroups based on antigenic differences in the capsular polysaccharides; the ones causing most meningitis infections being A, B, C, Y, and W-135; each serogroup can be further classifed by serotype, serosubtype, and immunotype.,MSH: A species of gram-negative, aerobic BACTERIA. It is a commensal and pathogen only of humans, and can be carried asymptomatically in the NASOPHARYNX. When found in cerebrospinal fluid it is the causative agent of cerebrospinal meningitis (MENINGITIS, MENINGOCOCCAL). It is also found in venereal discharges and blood. There are at least 13 serogroups based on antigenic differences in the capsular polysaccharides; the ones causing most meningitis infections being A, B, C, Y, and W-135. Each serogr

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