

MSH: An acute infectious disease caused by RUBULAVIRUS, spread by direct contact, airborne droplet nuclei, fomites contaminated by infectious saliva, and perhaps urine, and usually seen in children under the age of 15, although adults may also be affected. (From Dorland, 28th ed),CSP: acute, inflammatory, contagious disease caused by Rubulavirus and characterized by swelling of the salivary glands, especially the parotids, and sometimes of the pancreas, ovaries, or testes; spread by direct contact, airborne droplet nuclei, fomites contaminated by infectious saliva, and perhaps urine.,MEDLINEPLUS: <p>Mumps is an illness caused by the mumps virus. Mumps causes </p><ul> <li>Fever</li> <li>Headache</li> <li>Muscle aches</li> <li>Tiredness</li> <li>Loss of appetite</li></ul><p>Swelling of the salivary glands follows these symptoms. Swelling of the glands near the jaw line below the ears may give you &quot;chipmunk cheeks.&quot; Serious problems are rare, but can include deafness; swelling of the brain, spinal cord

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