MSH: The lower portion of the BRAIN STEM. It is inferior to the PONS and anterior to the CEREBELLUM. Medulla oblongata serves as a relay station between the brain and the spinal cord, and contains centers for regulating respiratory, vasomotor, cardiac, and reflex activities.,CSP: caudal subdivision of the hindbrain interposed between the spinal cord and the pons; adult derivative of the myelencephalon, the most caudal subdivision of the developing brain; it has two subdivisions the open medulla bordering on the fourth ventricle and the closed medulla which surrounds the rostral part of the central canal.,FMA: Organ component of neuraxis that has as its parts the medullary reticular formation, inferior olivary complex and cochlear nuclear complex, among other structures. Examples: There is only one medulla oblongata.,NCI: The lower portion of the brainstem located between the pons and brainstem. This structure contains several descending and ascending tracts, lower cranial nerve nuclei, a significant proportio