MSH: A pumping mechanism that duplicates the output, rate, and blood pressure of the natural heart. It may replace the function of the entire heart or a portion of it, and may be an intracorporeal, extracorporeal, or paracorporeal heart. (Dorland, 28th ed),CSP: pumping mechanism that duplicates the output, rate, and blood pressure of the natural heart; may replace the function of the entire heart or a portion of it, and may be an intracorporeal, extracorporeal, or paracorporeal heart.,UMD: Prostheses designed for total replacement of the biological natural heart. These devices typically consist of an implantable mechanism that includes one or more pumps, valves, cannulae, and a power source. Heart prostheses are used to provide blood circulation to patients with a debilitated or completely failed heart. Some devices are designed for implantation of the pumping mechanism with a physical connection to an external power source (e.g., electrical, pneumatic), and others are totally implantable but may need a wirel